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Hatzlacha Rabbah!!! for Viola and PIano, Op. 23

Date of Composition: 2012
Duration: 6 1/2 Minutes
Commissioner: in dedication to Victor de Almeida
Program Notes: Composed in 2011, Hatzlacha Rabbah!!! was originally written as a viola duo as a graduation present for two friends and colleagues, Ariana Solotoff and Jenni Seo. It has since grown to include many arrangements including Viola and Piano, Viola and Strings, ’Cello Duo, Viola Quartet and Clarinet Quartet. Using Ms. Solotoff’s Jewish heritage as a vehicle for inspiration, Hebraic-tinged folk melodies pervade the work and the harmonic language and accompanimental patterns seek to capture the character of the ancient Israelite. As these two very talented violists embarked on their journey to Julliard for undergraduate studies, I wanted to wish them the best of luck and named the piece after the Hebrew phrase ‘Hatzlacha Rabbah,’ translated “To Much Success.”
Performance History:
-August 15th, 2012; Glendale Noon Concerts; First Baptist Church; Glendale, California – 12PM
-August 28th, 2012; M3 Classical @ ATX Kitchen; Atwater Village, California – 8PM
-December 8th, 2012; Classical Revolution – LA Indie Series; Novel Cafe; Los Angeles, California – 2PM
-February 15th, 2013; Encinitas Library; Encinitas, California – 8PM
-February 16th, 2013; First Lutheran Church; Manhattan Beach, California – 8PM
-February 17th, 2013; Greystone Manor; Beverly Hills, California – 8PM
-March 17th, 2013; Susan & Friends – Congregational Church; Westchester, California – 4PM
-March 20th, 2013; Music at Noon – Pasadena Presbyterian Church; Pasadena, California – 12PM
-May 17th, 2013; South Pasadena at Noon; South Pasadena, California – 12PM
-May 19th, 2013; Classical Encounters; Tarzana, California – 4PM
-May 20th, 2013; Classical Underground; Torrance, California – 8PM
-August 23rd, 2014; Solo Recital; Steinway Gallery; Pasadena, California - 4PM
-April 8th, 2015; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-July 22nd, 2015; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-February 28th, 2016; ViolaFest 2016; Colburn Conservatory – Thayer Hall; Los Angeles, California – 3:30PM
-June 10th, 2016; Bachelor’s Recital; Haute École de Musique de Genève; Geneva, Switzerland – 2:30PM
-April 18th, 2018; Final DMA Viola Recital; Cammilleri Hall; USC Brain and Creativity Center; Los Angeles, CA – 5PM
Hatzlacha Rabbah!!! for Viola and Strings, Op. 23b

Date of Composition: 2013; rev. 2018
Duration: 6 1/2 Minutes
Commissioner: for the Los Angeles Children's Chamber Orchestra
Performance History:
-June 8th, 2014; South Pasadena Strings GALA Concert; Aratani/Japan American Theatre; Los Angeles, California – 3PM
-August 16th, 2014; An Afternoon Recital; Glendale City Church; Glendale, California – 7PM
Hatzlacha Rabbah!!! for Viola quartet, Op. 23c

Date of Composition: 2018
Duration: 6 1/2 Minutes
Performance History:
Be the FIRST to PREMIERE Hatzlacha Rabbah!!! for Viola Quartet!
Hatzlacha Rabbah!!! for Clarinet quartet, Op. 23d

Date of Composition: 2018
Duration: 6 1/2 Minutes
Performance History:
-May 4th, 2019; Urval Ensemble; Sabados Musicales; Museo de Bellas Artes de Álava; Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain – 12:30PM
-August 21st, 2019; Urval Ensemble; The Iglesia de San Miguel; Antezana de Foronda, Spain – 5:30PM
-August 22nd, 2019; Urval Ensemble; Church of Santa María; Deba, Spain – 8PM
Hatzlacha Rabbah!!! for two violas, Op. 23e

Date of Composition: 2010-11
Duration: 6 1/2 Minutes
Commissioner: Ariana Solotoff & Jenni Seo
Performance History:
-May 13th, 2011; Senior Recital; Oneonta Congressional Church; South Pasadena, California – 7PM
-May 14th, 2011; Senior Recital; Oneonta Congressional Church; South Pasadena, California – 7PM
-May 25th, 2011; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-August 28th, 2012; Fà2 (Folie à Deux); Private Recital; New York, New York – 7PM
-August 31st, 2012; Fà2 (Folie à Deux); All Saints Church; Long Island City, New York – 7:30PM
-September 1st, 2012; Fà2 (Folie à Deux); Meadow Ridge Assisted Living; Redding, Connecticut – 7PM
-October 28th, 2012; Fà2 (Folie à Deux); Wilton Library – The Brubeck Room; Wilton, Connecticut – 4PM
-April 18th, 2013; Los Jueves Musicales; Palacio de Congresos of La Línea de la Concepción; Cádiz, Spain – 8:30PM
-February 5th, 2014; Glendale Noon Concerts; First Baptist Church; Glendale, California – 12PM
-November 28th, 2017; Slapin-Solomon Duo; Loomis Village; South Hadley, Massachusetts – 2PM
-December 3rd, 2017; Slapin-Solomon Duo; South Hadley Public Library; South Hadley, Massachusetts – 3PM
Hatzlacha Rabbah!!! for two celli, Op. 23f

Date of Composition: 2011; rev. 2013
Duration: 6 1/2 Minutes
Commissioner: Maksim Velichkin
Performance History:
-September 21st, 2011; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-April 26th, 2015; Fourth Doctoral Recital; SUNY Stony Brook – Staller Recital Hall; Stony Brook, New York – 7PM
-September 23rd, 2015; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM